Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Office Hates Me....

I had very high hopes for this week in here.....I started Sunday with purging and organizing the office, heck I even put a candle in here for goodness sake....
Monday was all in all a very successful day in here..Though I was cross eyed by the end of it I had a real sense of accomplishment when I was done.  I even cleaned up my days work, filed it all away (neatly) and it looked as though nobody was ever in here.  Ya well that was yesterday.

The thanks I get from the office for all my dedication (ok 1 day of it..baby steps)
I want to hurl the printer out the window, take the computer and put it in the oven and watch it melt, take every receipt and piece of paper in here and stamp POSTED on it and chuck it in a grocery bag, burn it and hope that all the necessary information will magically transform itself into a reconciled tax return.
I would go have a nap but the massive pile of laundry on my bed / and couch to be folded will stop that from happening........
This is all before 9 a.m. I sense a long day ahead....I wonder if I have any relaxing candle scents in here.....I'll go look......

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Purgatory - Office

Yes it is true..i saw this in an office cartoon...some people call purgatory the place between eternal suffering and eternal rest, I call it the office...I HATE the office..yes HATE!  With every fiber of my being..mostly because I am not good at it and haven't been able to master a whole heck of a lot of it over the years.  But this is a new year with new hope.
See I am junking out and turning this office into an official zen like state of bliss that will have me happily skipping my way into it daily to do wonderful things such as batching, posting, etc...that is what people do right?
So I started at the door and am moving clockwise in an attempt to place, organize and refresh.  I got as far as the keyboard then the anti-office helper on my shoulder says "hey what's going on in the world? Check the news, check facebook, check DYAC, you deserve a break..." the office helper did have a point!  Why I have been working away for at least a half hour in here...

And so it goes...2010 taxes done..with a lot of tears, hair tearing out and such.  And that was just from Brads aunt who helps me..poor thing, man she must LOVE me more than life itself.  You should have seen how I reacted!
You see, I care very much of our finances, personal and business but I just can get this whole debit / credit system..it is backwards in accounting from the bank..why would they do that??  It is just not fair!
As well, if the sheet doesn't balance to the penny I really don't mind chucking in 50 cents or even 10 bucks..let's make it balance and carry on!  This kind of office sense makes sense to me but unfortunately not Revenue Canada or Brads Aunt...hmmm seems picky to me :P

This of course leads to notes upon notes, cheat sheets etc...that make sense when she is here and as soon as she leaves it looks like another language (which it is) and I am again left with the eternal office suffering.....
So today, yes....it is a new start...a new day...and I will get this place looking spa-like..heck I may even start charging people for the calming effects it will have on them when they come in here! 
So my office vows for this season:
1. I will post invoices daily so as not to have the grocery bag full I have now to do.  (They are altogether though right...except for the ones in the console of the car)
2. I will reconcile monthly the bank statement...and put them in a place I can find them to do so.
3. I will not throw away anything from the government or official looking that may or may not be imperative to doing actual year end stuff.
4. I will pay attention and take better notes when Betty is here, instead of doodling on the clipboard
5. A place for everything, and if one doesn't exist I will create one properly...apparently the jamming in folder doesn't work for everything
6.Shiny object and office helper on shoulder will not distract me...will not.....
7. I will set office hours and get kids to leave me when I am in office...(hahahah that is a good one...I wonder if I can get an electric fence around the door...)

So off I go, before and after pics to follow...

OOOP FB notification...no I will ignore, I will ignore, I will ignore...............this is gonna be harder than I thought.... :)